Wednesday, December 17, 2008

About the trip

Peregrine Adventures is the group that organizes this expedition. Here is a bit of what they say about the voyage. The Peregrine journey takes us to one of the world's most awe inspiring destinations. With visits along the way through the South Shetland Islands we arrive on the mainland, on the Antarctic Peninsula and are dazzled by perhaps the most dramatic scenery to be found anywhere. We begin in Ushuaia on Tierra Del Fuego at the southern tip of South America. We cross Drake's Passage and expect to see whales and seabirds, including the albatross with a 10-foot wingspan and petrels. Weather depending, we will enter the flooded volcanic caldera of Deception Island, a recently active volcano. Steam rises in places along its shores. Here the very adventuresome may choose to take a dip if conditions are suitable. Yeah, right. The days are long and the nights short, often preceded by a wonderful twilight. Trip highlights include: diverse array of icebergs, visiting a breeding colony of chinstrap penguins, seeing fur and elephant seals, whale sightings, also terns and gentoo and macaroni penguins. Hope they are whole grain. We will celebrate New Year's Eve on one of the following: Livingston, Half Moon or King George Island. Go to Google.
More later.

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