Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ushuaia we made it!

Landed in Ushuaia this AM. Crisp and refreshing. We flew in over jagged but not extremely tall snow covered mountains and the Beagle channel, gateway to the Drake Passage. Most folks travelling to this part of the world are here for travel, adventure, hiking, going to Antarctica and the like. It is summer here and many Argentinians and other South Americans are here on holiday which means the cities are not as crazy as usual.
The other travellers we have met in the airport and on planes are from all over the globe. Met a trio of folks in their late 20's who are from Greece. One is in Argentina for a year deciding what to do after making a lot of money marketing IT strategies and wants to decide what next. He studied to be an engineer and likes the tech part of the work as well as mediating between the teckkies and the vendors but feels a little uncomfoteable with the oily side of marketing. We met an Indian family from Palm Beach. Father is a cardiologist, Mom is a dermatologist, one daughter is in law school and I am not sure about the rest of the relatives. They also will board a ship to Antarctica tomorrow, but not the one we are joining. Nice to see adventurous families traveling together.
Our hotel here, Via Rondine, is a small, sort of Scandinavian looking place, friendly staff, very patient withCate's halting Spanish.
It is great to be out of the confines of an airplane seat!!!
Dan tried mate for the first time. It is the national drink of Argentina. It is a bitter tea which Cate thinks tastes like tobacco a bit. The process of making it is as important as the drinking and there is a tradition and ritual that goes along. Google it.
(Dan) I liked the tea. Very strong. Hot water is poured over the cup full of herbs and sipped immediately through a metal straw. A few sips and you pour more hot water into the cup -- repeat. I had no idea how much caffiene I was dealing with but right now I am feeling like I downed a couple of "Nodoze" chased with Redbull. Wheeeee!
Still no sign of our luggage.
Tierra del Fuego from the air:


Anonymous said...

Hope your gear catches up!

From the events of the the first two days I think we can assume you'll have a grand adventure. A rocky start often presages an exciting trip.


Anonymous said...

nice pic of Ushuaia here...despite what the URL says...

Adam said...

nice blog, Happy Holdiays!

Unknown said...

Awesome Dan and Cate. Sure beats the dreary sites here.