Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Penguins at Half Moon Island

Dateline Ushuaia:
We met our first penguins at Half Moon Island which lies at the entrance to Moon Bay, between Livingston and Greenwich Islands. The 1.2 mile long island is crescent-shaped and home to approximately 3,3oo breeding pairs of chinstrap penguins. We also saw Antarctic terns, skuas, kelp gulls, Wilson's storm-petrels and blue-eyed shags (which you may also know as cormorants), and one lazy-assed Weddell seal, who had apparently just eaten his fill of krill and was snoozing like a puppy on the beach, totally oblivious to our gawking. But, without a doubt, it was the chinstrap penguins that stole our hearts. Penguins are just so freaking CUTE, and they are totally fearless of humans. If we were in their way they just walked around us. If they were curious about us the walked right up and oogled us. Check out this video of our first penguin encounter:
The man talking about the Weddell seal is Jim Zakreski, our expedition marine mammal specialist. He was wicked handy to have around!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's the picture of Dan in his Tuxedo! I have been waiting for it :)