Friday, December 26, 2008

Buenos Aires

So here we are unexpectedly. By now we should be in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego at a nice Patagonian hotel but instead we are at a nice hotel in Buenos Aires thanks to American Airlines who is picking up the tab.
Wallet was stolen, not lost. You all know what a pain that can be. Multiply that by limited phone access, having only limited Spanish (Cate, and Dan not at all) and being tired, cranky and stinky. All things considered, that I still have my cameras is helping me not get too crazed.
We both showered and are ready for dinner. It is 85 degrees here and sunny. That is a mood lifter. Hope our luggage arrives in Ushuaia in time for us to leave on the ship or we are really scr___d. That would not be a mood lifter.
Dan is listening to Spanish TV which is helping scrape the rust off my Spanish. Bueno.


Laura from N'field said...

Hmmm, I just tried to leave a comment so this might be a repeat, but basically I was expressing my extreme sympathy with your current situation, with an athiest's prayer that you get resolved and off to that ice VERY SOON.

Dan and Cate said...

We hope so too, Laura! We remain optimistic.