Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Flight to Buenos Aires

Saturday, December 27, 2008
The wake up alarm at our hotel jarred us awake at 3:00a. We had to be at the airport at 4a in order to make our 5:45 flight but we are finally on our way to Ushuaia! Our flight from Buenos Aires left on time and with literally no hassles. They didn't even ask to see our passports. All things considered, I must say our experience here in Argentina has been, far and away, vastly superior to what we went through in Chile.
When we arrived, tired and disheveled, at the Buenos Aires airport yesterday we were greeted by extremely friendly and knowledgeable representatives of American Airlines. The knew our names, even before we introduced ourselves, and had all of our accommodations ready for us. What a change from Santiago where they had no idea what to do with us and were just as happy to foist us off on Argentina as look at us. Of course, it didn't help our opinion of Chileans that Cate was robbed of her wallet with all of her cash and credit cards right at the airport! By contrast all of the Argentineans we've met have been incredibly kind and gracious.
I should say a word about our accommodations. AA put us up in a really lovely hotel – the Intercontinental – quite luxurious, for us anyway. We were on the 14th floor with a beautiful view of the San Juan de Bautista Cathedral from our window. Our room had actual hardwood floors, and the shower – oh man, it was more like a tropical rain than a shower. Fabulous! We had a wonderful meal at the hotel restaurant featuring this incredibly homemade Dulce de leche
icecream that almost made Cate swoon. All of this courtesy of American Airlines. It has almost made up for the fact that, by all accounts, our luggage is still in Miami, or maybe Santiago, no one is sure. It may or may not catch up to us by the time our boat leaves tomorrow. If it doesn't our trip to Antarctica is certain to be a colder and wetter one, as all our gear is in that luggage.
Nevertheless, our spirits are high even if we are barely conscious. We press on regardless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Alcoholics Anonymous would put you up at such a nice hotel. Is that Step 13?

Much love from VT. I hope your traveling experience continues to be full of surprises and learning!