Sunday, December 28, 2008


We are happy campers. Our luggage arrived this AM and we board in a few hours. Sunny, brisk, cold wind, white caps on the Beagel Channel. Most folks staying at this little hotel are going to Antarctica or have just returned. Ushuaia is THE srarting point for most cruises that go to Antarctica. Way more of an industry than we imagined. The town is dependant on tourism as you might imagine.
Spent some time this morning conversing with a couple from Austraila. They are going too. but on a different ship. Discussed politics, energy, cameras and more. They are happy Obama was elected. As they said about Bush and McCain, their time is over. It is time for younger leaders.
One man showed us his video of crossing Drake's passage when they encountered a wave so huge it knocked out the electricity for a short time. Here we go.
Took a walk in some outlying Ushuaia neighborhoods and have included some pictures.
From here out, we will have less internet access, so don't worry if the communication tapers off a bit.


Unknown said...

Hey Dan and Cate. This is "B" Bonnie (the silent one at work).
Glad to hear that your luggage finally arrived for your continued adventure. What a nightmare it was for you getting there? So sorry about Cate's wallet. Geezum. At least it sounds like you are in good spirits.
Go find me a penguin Dan!

Anonymous said...

Where are you? What are you doing? Is it wonderful? Are you OK? The silence is unnerving...

Marcia Milner-Brage said...

What a delight to see the lupine blooming!