Monday, December 22, 2008

The weather at home is frightful...

Well, the Northeast US has been battered by big snow and ice storms and very cold weather. We have had lots of practice walking on ice, being lashed by icy winds and generally test-driving all our new gear. It works. Cate's days are filled with all the last minute details necessary for such a trip, such as finding our Spanish dicitonary, getting extra batteries for each camera, googling a map to Kennedy airport, getting travellers checks and checking our lists. We are very excited as the day draws near.

Cate hopes to create a photo/essay of the trip and get it published in magazines and newspapers. Ideas? Leads? Connections?


EA said...

Dear Cate and Dan,
Thinking about you 2 and what an adventure you're going on.
Stay safe, warm, have fun and learn a lot, and take many, many photos. Remember it's a vacation, so make it romantic too!

Moomin said...

What a catalogue of hindrances! Glad there still seems to be SOME prospect of getting on the boat, I'm waiting breathlessly to hear what happens...finally learned how to work this thing and caught up with you; excellent. The Love Form sends his good wishes.